Electric Bicycle Info

Why choose an electric bike? The electric bicycle is the most energy efficient and least polluting form of powered transport. Both electric cars and conventional motorcycles do not fare well in reducing emissions, in large part due to the source of electricity that these vehicles rely on: fossil fuels. Electric bikes, however, which typically use one-tenth the electricity of cars, produce significantly less emissions. Electric bicycle batteries can be charged using solar panels, further reducing the need for traditional energy sources. E-bike usage improves air quality and environmental health by displacing the use of larger, more polluting vehicles, and also helps reduce traffic congestion. They require little in the way of raw materials in their manufacture, limited maintenance and, increasingly, use components that are almost entirely recyclable. Electric bicycles are the least expensive powered transportation option currently available. Compared to conventional bicycles, electric bicycles are safer in city traffic, accelerating to cruising speed more easily and rapidly. Indeed, in high-traffic areas, they can move faster than cars. The case for the superiority of electric bicycles is hard to beat. To top it off, they are a blast to ride - come in to Scorcher e-bikes and test one to find out for yourself!